joi, 9 septembrie 2010


Da..cred ca intr-un final seman un pic, dar in nici un caz nu vreau sa fiu si nici nu am vrut, doar am,ai,au...vor, voi intelege gresit..

22 vs 19 vs 16.....vs me

I walked a new road, so I have to be happy now, but why I’m not? Cause I walked in a road that it’s exactly like the other…the jokes, the way that you can be silly. the company, the way you can be you…now I can realize that I will never be happy..i like only you, and when I say you, I for once don’t mean you…that’s the best part..the worse is part is that the new you are perfectly alike, you are the younger her…you are her…

Am invatat sa merg kilometrii intregi pentru tine, dar asta nu a contat, nu a contat nici macar faptul ca eram in stare sa fac orice, chiar si sa las tot ce inseamna eu pentru tine.sunt patru ani, si o iau de la cap cu acelasi saispe cu care am inceput, numai ca eu un mai sunt optispe, sunt…sunt cam acelasi, schimbat insa de multe deceptii. Multe vise pierdute aiurea..multa incredere aruncata aiurea.Eu sunt tot ala..schimbat…intors pe dos…tot ce odata intelegeam s-a dus dracu’, si tot ce credeam ca e normal e un cacat, tot ce iubeam e un ce iubesc e un cacat reintors, numai ca un mai iubesc nimic sfarsit nu te mai iubesc pe tine, arunca-ti sagetile in alte parti ca eu un pot sa le mai inghit…sunt plin..plin si gaurit de ele, iar tu esti mai plina decat oricand..plina de minciuna si de falsitati.Tot ce a ramas din tot ce a fost e ura si asta ma bucura pentru ca cineva m-a trecut peste, iar acum renunt la ceva, de fapt un renunt acum, am renuntat de ceva timp, acum doar imi bat capul altfel.Tot ce vreau vad ca e sa imi bat capul.Tu (“tu” a castigat alt sens) dormi, eu raman acelasi insomniac pe care ea l-a crescut.Voi ati ramas aceeasi, aceleasi lipitori cretine, aceleasi minciuni, acelasi Cerber.”Tu-mi” arati cum poate fi mintita lumea..foarte usor..cei destepti vor intelege, cei lipsiti vor continua sa creada ca vorbesc doar pentru mine.

You walked a new road, so you have to be happy now, but you aren’t…why?Cause you’re not her, you’re not that “saispe”,you’re just like me, and why I why I laugh?I don’t know…I just do it…I am still me, even if I changed.

Intr-un Centru De Informare radeai…undeva la munte radeai din nou…ce mare diferenta…

joi, 2 septembrie 2010

Nonsens 6

- i wasn't prepared for those stairs, i still ain't, and i don't think i will ever be.I am not the type the man i thought i was.
- the old spot wasn't mine, even if took me so long to understand.
- i can't put my toughts in my head is a mess, but in this mess a red light glows, looks like an alert button, but i want so much to push it.
- I cannot find a way to name you, and i cannot understand why the old spot remained only way to call this is why i realise you replaced her.
- I never wrote a bigger shit than now.
- After all i am happy than only me can fully understand me.
- I feel i always wanted...having something that i cannot be sure of, forcing me to fight for what i want.
- And again, i am not who i thought i was.
- And how can i not think about happines?how i cannot dream about it? and how can i fight for it anymore? i fought for happines, and it came only after i stopped fighting, so life is logic? no way..
- I'll stop chasing, and start's way better
- Make me happy