Privind cerul senin, gandurile incearca din nou sa evadeze.Vraja care sa le alunge se pare ca nu a funcionat, asa ca va trebui sa le infrunte, dar acum nu e nici momentul si nici locul potrivit. Trenul inca nu merge pentru ca a ales o ruta care trece mai mult prin zona rurala si nu a gasit nici macar o persoana care sa vorbeasca si alta limba.Ar fi fost in stare sa incerce un pic si franceza pe care nu o cunoaste si pe care o uraste atat de mult.Dante inca habar nu avea ce e in neregula cu trenul.S-a saturat sa astepte, mai ales pentru ca asta ii face mintea sa zboare acolo unde nu trebuie, asa ca inchide ochii si face o miscare brusca in ideea de a arunca toate aceste ganduri din cap. Intra din nou in vagon isi ia rucsanul in spate si coboara acolo in mijlocul pustietatii...orium nu avea habar unde duce trenul si acum nu trebuie sa aiba grija decat de el, fara alte sunete, acum isi pune castile pe urechi fara sa mai fie nevoit sa lase sa intre fel si fel de idiotenii prin ele.Aprinde o tigara, da drumul la muzica si porneste aiurit la drum.Nu e capat de linie, dar crede ca poate ajunge unde trebuie chiar si asa fara sa fie ajutat de tren....doar ca va trebui sa parcurga foarte mult pe jos...inca nu stie daca e benefic sau nu.Oricum ca pana acum nu poate fi, e un alt drum plin de posibilitati si noutati.Calatoria merge inainte chiar daca in jur conditiile impiedica asta.
"Rahat!. Se pare ca muzica nu ajuta.Bubuie in urechi insa sunetul nu reuseste sa treaca de bariera din creier.Fragmentele de srapnel inca sunt ramase in cutiuta veche sau ce a mai ramas din ea.Singurul mod cum as putea sa ridic bariera este sa ma las purtat prin tunelul timpului si sa sper ca odata cu avansarea prin tunel se vor intoarce in bezna strigoii aparuti de nicaieri."
Dante s-a pierdut din nou in ganduri, in timp ce mergea alene prin iarba deasa a campiei din Belarus.Incet si mintea lui incepe sa fie atenta la muzica din casti.Abia acum dupa aproximativ o ora de mers pe jos zareste in departare o cabanuta darapanata si fara sa stea prea mult pe ganduri se indreapta fix spre ea, in ideea de a se odihni pret de cateva minute si sa se fereasca putin de soarele care il ametise pe drum.
In plus il atragea mult si imaginea ei, parea uitata de lume.Un loc in care nu putea sa il ajunga nimeni.
Se indreapta spre usa fara sa ii treaca prin minte ca ar putea locui cineva in cocioaba aia.Impinge usa incet si spre surprinderea lui, in casa era cineva.Speriat, se grabeste sa iasa, dar o mana il trage inapoi bolborosind in limba lor.Dante priveste persoana cu frica, nu stia ce se intampla.In fata lui o doamna isi da jos baticul.Era undeva de vreo patruzezi si cinci de ani si nu arata ca un cersetor care dupa parerea lui, doar el ar fi putut locui intr-un asemenea loc.Ochii ieseau in evidenta.Era un verde linistitor.Avea o voce calma cu toate ca Dante inca nu intelegea nimic si cu toate ca incercase de multe ori pana acum fara succes sa comunice cu cei de aici, a decis sa mai isi treaca in cont din nou o incercare.
- Do you speak english?
In momentul acela ochii verzi se maresc in semn de uimire.
- Yes! spune vocea calda cu un accent american. Yes! i do, i don't think i forgot it yet.
- Really? you're the first person that i met here wich i can understand.I'm Dante! nice to meet you.
- Hi! I'm Mia.Come in! Take a seat and make yourself comfortable.It's a humble cottage, but at least i can offer you a cup of tea with a little bit of zubrovka.It passed a long time since i spoke to anybody who's not from around here. Where are you from, boy?
-'am..i really don't know were i'm from and i don't think i want find out.
- That's odd..
- where are you from? your voice doesn't sound like Belarusian and your name, again not from here. What's your story?
- I don't think i remember where to start. I'm from Michigan, US. I fell in love when i was young with a boy from my neighborhood.We used to sneak out of our houses to a little pound next to them. There was a house in a three, where we dreamed about our life, how we will go to a quiet place, far away from the noise of the world...
- That sounds familiary..
- What?
- Nothing...go on..
- Like i said, we dreamed about escaping the noise...and we ended up married.He was a cute boy, i never had a fight with him, never...this may seem strange, but it's true...nowadays, you don't find a couple without endless fights.They say it keeps the fire up..they have no idea...The world got used to nasty things and they say it's normal to have them in our life, but this isn't true.We don't have to accept them.We can live in the way we want...anyway, our dream came true, when we had the chance to move here in Belarus. He took a job in a city near here, Ashmyamy.It was his dream job, and our dream life.We had an apartment in the city, and this little cottage here, were we used to come every week...just to relax...
Mia a suspinat in momentul acela. Ceva o apasa fara sa isi dea seama, Dante pune o intrebare banala..
- And where is your husband?
- Uhmm..his dead...
Dante se gandea cat de idiot e ca a trebuit sa ii aduca aminte de o astfel de intamplare, si incerca sa caute o scapare din asta, numai ca nici o vorba nu mai avea rost acum.
- It's ok..He's dead for about ten years, he got sick one day, and the doctors said they have nothing to do, that in a few months sweet Brandon will pass away.So we moved here to make everything easier.It was a tough time for the both of us.Of course he was the brave one, it was like i was dying, and he was here to comfort me....and in one day he turned to dust.I never moved on, and i really don't want to.He was my everything, and after his death to move from here seemed pointless.I want to remain here where my soul is next to least metaphorically..but enough about this...what about you? how did you ended up here?
- Wow! what can i say? nothing can beat your story..
- I think so, but come seem bothered by something.
- I don't want to talk about it..
- Come on...i said my's your turn.
- Ok..Like i told you, i don't remember much of my past, i just know that i was in a small town in Romania.Met a girl, and decided to see the world.It went pretty good at first.I don't know where my mind was thinking but this ha to be the time of my life...
- She dissapointed you..That's why you're so off..
- Dissapointed? I wouldn't say that. She became a vision of the past...she scared me. When i finally had the smile back, and faith in humanity..she showed me that nothing will change.We are still humans, and our lifetime is too short to find peace or our Eve..We took a train, she left it, and then i left it too.So here i am, after walking about an hour in this field, trying to clear my mind.
- Ugly..But you don't have to judge everything from one bad experience..
- Yeah..i don't have to judge from one..How about many more?
- But you said you remember nothing before this.
- I don't want to remember more..Isn't this enough?
- I'm not the one to judge are the only one.So? is it worth it to stay like this? Is it worth it to waste your time thinking of the past?
- I don't think so, but i can't get out from my head one moment when i should stopped everything.It was about everything around us, and the idea was that we should never got familiary with anything and that we have to care about nothing, because this way you won't get hurt.Back then it sounded odd, but now i fully understand and like you, i don't want to escape, i want to hide until everything it's over.
- It's not the same.I'm are young.I've lived my story long enough.From what i understand you lived nothing.Look at that window! What do you see?
- I don't
- Come on! Through the window..
- A hill?
- Exactly! Do you see anything on the other side of the hill?
- No..i think this is obvious.
- Yes, it's obvious..but what do you think it's on the other side?
- I don't know...another field?
- Wrong! On the other side is the most beautiful place around here, you should see it, but this isn't the point. The point is that you never should lose hope, especially when you know nothing about the other side.Even if you saw the other sides of many places, and it dissapointed you, it doesn't mean you have to stop your chase.No one ever knows from where the surprise will come.
- You're right.But how are we supposed to be in the meantime?
- This is a story i will tell you after i'm back..
- Back? from where?
- I have to do my daily jobs, i will be back in a few shoud have some sleep. You can lie on that bed. I know it's not much, but it's all i've got, and you sure need some rest..Every thing will gonna be all right...
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